World Pay Chip Reader Setup

World Pay Chip Reader Setup

World Pay Chip Reader Setup

1. Plug in device + power

2. Load driver for VX805 USBUART (in the ftp, under tech stuff>drivers>vx805 usbuart)

If the device is properly connected to the station you will see an alert stating that the driver was installed successfully.

For Lane3000 devices use the Ingenico drivers: under device drivers > ingenico.
If installed correctly it should show up in device manager as COM9.NOTE: To use Lane3000 chip readers arrow must be on version or newer.

3. Station config: Set NetEPayDeviceCOMPort to 9

4. Station config: Set NetEpayDeviceID name to EMV_VX805_MERCURY or EMV_LANE3000_MERCURY for Lane3000 devices.

5. Station config: Set NetePayLocation. This is the path pointing to the netEpay or NetEpaydirector. 

For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Datacap Systems\NETePay\DSIMercuryIP_Dial.exe

6. Global>Payment Processing>Credit Card Processor IP Address –

7. Global>Payment Processing>Credit Card Processor IP Port – 9000

8. Global>Payment Processing>Encrypted CC MerchantID 

This is the MID grouped with the deployment IDs in the setup letter

9. Global>Payment Processing>Merchant ID Credit 

This is the secondary MID on the on the setup letter

10. Global>Payment Processing>MerchantURL -;

11. Global>Payment Processing>Credit Card Processor - 11

12. Global>Payment Processing>Merchant Password 

This is the Web service password on the setup letter

13. Download Client Control/dsiEMVUS and NetEpay, link provided in the dealer setup letter. Install Client Control, and then install Netepay. 

 Hit next and install. Restart station.

14. On the first program launch after installation, NETePay will prompt to obtain a serial number over the Internet from Datacap’s PSCS (Payment Systems Configuration Server) system. Click Obtain Serial Number.


5. Allow netEpay Access.

6. In arrow go to back office > credit cards > initialize keypad

    It should return a Success message. At this point you are ready to run test transactions.