WhozzCalling Caller ID Setup

WhozzCalling Caller ID Setup


The network caller ID must be plugged into the arrow network, if it is connected correctly the lights on the front of the box will light up as the location receives calls.

• Log in to arrow and go to back office ( You must go in to the back office as admin to change these settings)

• Go to Configuration > Global/Station Configuration

• Click on Caller ID on the left hand side.

• You should see an option for Caller ID Port. If you don’t see this you need to log in as admin or if it is an older version of arrow you need to hit Ctrl+T to bring up the admin log in screen.

• Click on Caller ID Port and change this setting to 3520

• Check the Caller ID Slots to make sure this matches the amount of lines on the caller id box

Verify that port 3520 is open in windows firewall as an inbound and outbound rule, set the Protocol type for Any and under Advanced make sure you have all three Profiles checked, do this on every station. 


The same rules apply to serial callerIDs the only difference is the station with the callerID plugged into it needs Whozcalling app installed on it and set to automatically launch for the user account. You also need to designate the caller Id station in global>callerId>callerId station. Verify that the connection of the callerID to the station and make sure the the correct port is selected in the Whozcalling app. The app is located at ftp://ftp.myarrowpos.com/Tech%20Stuff/Drivers/Caller%20ID%20Drivers/WhozzCalling_Listener_NET/


• Check the WhozzCalling Listen in the ArrowUser account behind Arrow to make sure it is properly configured within that profile as well. 

• Make a test call and see if it shows up. Some boxes will not pick up till the 2nd ring.If the caller id pops up on the screen you’re done.

• If the caller ID doesn’t show up and you have a network callerID then you need to download El Config from the ftp site

 Go to ftp://ftp.myarrowpos.com/Tech%20Stuff/Drivers/Caller%20ID%20Drivers/ElConfig.msi
  If it is a serial callerID double check the Whozzcalling Listener app, confirm the port settings are correct and reboot the     unit.  You will see some red lines flashing on the app if it is properly connected.

• Install this on the computer and see if it finds the caller id box

• Make a call and see if your phone number shows up on the screen or if it gives you weird data.

• If no data shows up then the phone lines are not plugged in right

• If data shows up and it is weird make sure all the dip switches are down only number 8 should be up

If it is a pizacloud pepwave router setup, the stations need to be set on a static ip.  Arrowserver should be 192.169.x.100, s1 would be x.101 etc.  

If this does not bring the CallerID online, then Pizza Cloud will need to be contacted at (866) 511-5521.  You will need to tell them the ip addresses of each station so that they can push the data to the specific ip addresses.

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