Topping Print Order

Topping Print Order

The ToppingOrder is a feature in arrow that will sort toppings for the print outs,in the manner they are specified regardless of the way they are entered in the order screen. 

  • To set this up  go to Back Office > Misc. Settings > Printers.
  • Press Ctrl+t to enter tech mode and scroll over to the ToppingOrder
  • Click Edit on the printer you wish to apply the ToppingOrder feature., 

  • Click the Add button and type your ingredient. For our example we will use Pepperoni and Sausage. 
  • In the Filter box type in Pepperoni and then select all Pepperoni modifiers you want to associate with it. Do the Same for Sausage. Hit Save when complete. 
  • With this setup the Sausage will always print after Pepperoni. 

Order Entry

Order Print Out

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