Setting Up Dual Gift Card Processing

Setting Up Dual Gift Card Processing

1) You must first set up two different gift card buttons. The arrow gift card button should have a menu function of G | Arrow Gift card. The CC Gift card should be set to OG | Other gift card. 

2) Next head to Back Office>Global>Payment Processing>GC External Card Prefix. Here we must set the starting numbers for the Credit Card Gift Cards, typically they will start with 773 but always be sure to verify with the customer. 

3) Lastly, verify that the Gift Card Processor is set to the correct processor. 


At this point setup is complete, you can test by issuing an Arrow and CC Processor gift card and then redeeming them. 

Note: Version and earlier will not show a balance for Arrow Gift cards from the Arrow Gift card menu button, you can view the balance at the payment screen. This will be fixed in newer versions.