Repeat Returns Offer Not Working

Repeat Returns Offer Not Working

Rewards Promotion Not Working:

  1. Go into Back Office → Rewards → Edit Promotions

  2. Find the Rewards Promotion in question, it should look something like this

  3. I f there is a number in the “Amount” column, and nothing in the “DD” column, then the offer will need to be re-entered in. 

  4. Remove any data from the “Amount” “Function” “Min Ck” or “Groups” columns

  5. Go into Back Office → Configuration → Discount Manager

  6. Add a New Discount

  7. Label it “Repeat Returns Offer #xxx” – It makes it easier to search for it again should it need to be updated in the future

  8. Using the offer as a guide, make a Dynamic Discount of that offer. Just make sure that the “For Rewards Only” box is checked, and the “Rewards Promo Codes” Field is filled out with the promotion code.

  9. **If the store is using vivid, make sure that the bottom 3 fields are filled out**

  10. Try using the offer again. If it works, great. If not, move on….

Rewards Promotion Still not working:

  1. Remove the “For Rewards Only” constraint from the discount, and test it as a normal discount. If it works, move on, if not, please look it over and verify that the dynamic discount is setup correctly.

  2. Go into Back Office → Configuration and click the “Download Arrow Rewards Customers.” Go back about 6 months, then continue. Clicking this button is something the store should be doing once a day. It grabs the data from the people who use the program online and imports it onto the pos. If still nothing, then continue.

  3. Find the customer in question

  4. Click the Rewards button in the upper left on the order entry screen, should be right next to the Dynamic Discounts button.

  5. Click the Rewards History, from there you can view if the customer used the promotion recently. If they have, they may be trying to pull a fast one and use it twice. If this last step still has not resulted in anything...

  6. Contact Repeat Returns about this offer.  Try and see if there are any issues with that customer on their end, or even if the customer should have that reward available to them. You can either use: dana@repeatreturns.comor

Offer works in store but not online.

  1. Check to see if the store is using Vivid or Ordercraze.  If it's Ordercraze, get with Laura.
  2. If Vivid, go into the Dynamic Discount Manager and find the reward promotion.  If it is not setup here, then that must be resolved first.
  3. Check that the bottom 3 fields are filled out
  4. If they are not, enter in the relevant data, RRxxx for the Ordercraze Name, the description, and check the box to enable the offer online
  5. Exiting out of the discount manager updates the discounts online.  If needed, remove the "For Rewards Only" constraint to test it online.  

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