Potential Auto-Backup Issue

Potential Auto-Backup Issue

Arrow will automatically request support from a station when an auto-backup issue is detected. There are 2 potential reasons this support request will be triggered.

  1. Mysql dump issue on either the server station (Global Config>Station Info>ServerName) or the incremental backup station (Global Config>Database Backups>dbBackupStation)
    If this is the problem, there will not be any backups (or backups files will all be < 1K in size) on the server or the backup station.
    To troubleshoot this issue, please refer to https://desk.zoho.com/support/therealarrowpos/ShowHomePage.do?articlestatus=latest&rootcategoryId=664729000000185193&categoryId=664729000000185212#Solutions/dv/664729000001407001/en

  2. File Sync Issue: The backups are fine on the 2 stations, but the other stations do NOT have a copy of the backup. All backups should be synced to all stations UNLESS (Global Config>Database Backups>FileCopyStations) is set.
    **Note: to check if file syncing is working after completing these steps, you must run ArrrowBackground.exe for at least 5 minutes. Then check the db_backups folder for missing files.
    To troubleshoot this, try the following steps
    1. on any station log into ArrowAdmin.
    2. from Windows File Explorer navigate to \\OtherComputer\c$
      1. If it opens folder without any problem, this station is fine. move on to the next station.
      2. If it prompts for credentials enter OtherComputer\ArrowAdmin and the appropriate password
        1. If this works, move on to next station
        2. If it says access denied or Bad username/password and you are sure you entered the credentials correctly check this security policy (run secpol.msc)
          Security Settings>Local Policies>Security Options>Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts.
          This should be set to Classic - local users authenticate as themselves

            Repeat these steps for each station

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