Inventory Setup

Inventory Setup

Head to Back Office and click inventory. 

First step you need to setup your Vendors

•    Click on Inventory Settings 

•    Once in the Inventory Settings click on the Vendors tab.  

•    Click on Add Vendor ( You will see yellow text letting you know you must enter a name)

•    The Sort Order will sort it in the grid so if you put 1 it will be at the top.  

•    Then click Add Vendor and it will show in the list of Vendors.

•    Add all your vendors (Website is not required)  

•    If you need to edit one of them just click on update vendor then click on the vendors name and change the information then click on update vendor again.


•    This is the area that you keep your items at the restaurant

•    Go to Inventory Settings and click on the Stock Area tab

•    Click on Add Stock Area button

•    Add the name of the stock area

•    You can leave the description blank if you don’t want to put a description of the area.

•    Sort order it the order it will show up on the list 


•    Go to Inventory Settings and click on the Inventory Items tab 

•    Before you start to add items click on the Add Inventory Item button and it will highlight in yellow to let you know you are in the add items mode

•    Vendor Item# is the item number from your vendor that you use to order you items with.

•    Description is that name of the item that you buy from them

•    Vendor is a drop down list that says who you buy it from

•    Current Price is the price that the item cost when you buy it from them

•    Last Purchase is the date you purchased it last ( you can leave it blank)

•    Yield % is set at 100% 

•    Received Unit is the way you receive the item from your vendor.

•    Product Category is the category that your vendor has the item in

•    UPC is the UPC of the item ( you can leave this blank if you want)

•    Stock Area is the Area of the building you keep the item

•    Brand Name is the Brand Name of the item

•    Base Unit is the smallest about that the product is used in. (Cheese comes in a box and has 6 bags in it but when you add it to items you do it in ounces so you would but ounces in this section)

•    Base Units/ Case is how many of the Base Units are in the case you order

•    Unit Price will fill in once you add the item

•    Actual Cost will fill in once you add the item 

•    Add in all your items. 


•    Go in to Inventory Settings and click on Units Of Measure 

•    To add a new unit to measure your items in you click on Add Unit

•    You will see the yellow highlight around the Add unit letting you know you are in the Add Unit Mode.


•    Put in the new unit name and hit add unit


•    Go in to Inventory Settings and click on Batch Recipes

•    This is for items that you make to make other items with. (dough, sauces etc…)  

•    Click on Add Batch Recipe

•    On the top put in the name of the item 

•    Add the amount you are making and how it is produced  

•    Once you have added the batch Recipe on the bottom of the screen you will be able to add the items that it takes to make it.  

•    Add the items and how much of that item you use to make it  


•    This is the way you count your items on the count sheets

•    Go in to Inventory Settings and click on Item Count Options  

•    Click on Add Count Option and click on the item you are going to be counting

•    This unit at the bottom is asking how you want to count it ( If you have a case of cheese and you want to count just the bags you would put in one bag)

•    Amount of Base Unit is the about of that item that  is off of the base unit of that item ( so cheese is set as 40 pounds per case and in that case the bags are 5 pounds per)  

•    You can do more than one option for each item that way when you count it you can count both ways and we will do the rest for you.  


•    Go in to Inventory Settings and click on Count Sheet Design

•    In here you can create your custom count sheets

•    To start click on the sheet name drop down list and pick {New Count Sheet}  

•    Fill out the name of count sheet

•    Pick what area you want to count

•    Pick the item you want to count

•    Then pick how you want to count that item

•    You can then put what you want the name to be on the count sheet. See below  

•    You can keep adding items just by changing the items on the top under inv. Item section and put in the count option and the name and hit save  


•    This is where you can set the par levels of your items on your count sheet

•    Click on Count Sheet Name and pick what count sheet you want the par level for

•    Name the Par Level and hit save

•    It will show you all the items you have on your count sheet and you can add your par levels  

•    Once you have your levels hit save


•    From the Inventory screen click on Enter Item Recipes

•    You will come up to two options Build main Items and Build Modifier  

•    Build Main Items:

o    This will take you to a screen where you can put in the recipes for all the main items on your menu.  

o    First Click on the bottom where it says Edit Main Items  

o    Click on the item you want to add a recipe for and click the add button.  

o    Click the Close Edit button to go back to the main screen.

o    From here click on the item and hit Edit Inventory Items  

o    This will take you to a screen that will let you add the items it takes to build this item  

o    Click on the items on the right hand side and click the Add button to add those items to the recipe for your main item 

o    You can hold down the CTRL key and select more than one and move them at the same time


o    Once you have added all your items click on the Close Edit button

o    The amount of the item used will be entered in on a different screen

o    This will take you back to the main item Recipe screen  

o    On the main recipe screen you can click in the Amt Used Field and put in the amount of that item it uses to make the main item.  

o    It will auto save the Amt Used numbers you put in.

o    You can also setup recipes on the menu editing screen

o    Go back in to the menu edit screen  

o    Click on your menu item you want to build a recipe for

o    On the bottom of the Menu item information there is a button that says Build inventory Recipe for this item  

o    Click on the button 

o    It will take you to a screen to build that items recipe or change it  

•    Build Modifier Recipes

o    The best way to set these up is through the menu screen so that you know what modifier goes with what items. 

o    Go to the menu edit screen  

o    Click on one of your modifiers

o    On the modifier information screen click on Build Inventory Recipe for this item.  

o    It will take you to the recipe screen to build that item 

o    Click on Add Main Items button on the bottom and add all the main items that you can add this modifier to.  

o    Click close edit   

o    This will take you back to the main Modifier recipe screen


o    Select the first pizza and click on Edit Inventory Items button on the right hand side  

o    Here is where you can all the Recipe items to the Modifier

o    You will be able to put the amount of that item on the next screen 

o    Click close edit

o    Now you can put how much of that item you use for that item.  


•    From the Inventory Main screen click on print count sheets

•    On the top of the screen there is a drop down list to pick what list you want to print.

•    Select the list and hit view Report

•    This will bring up your count sheet so that you can print it  

•    Hit Print to print the count screens


•    From the main Inventory screen click on Enter Current Counts

•    On the top of the screen you have the option what count sheet you are counting for

•    You also can just show items for stock Areas only  

•    You can save your counts and come back to them if you need to but you must Finalize them before the end of the day  

•    You can Check Count that will show you the Variance of your items before you Finalize the count.  

•    The first time you do inventory you will not have a starting count.  

•    Once you are done click on Finalize Count

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