How to Take a Deferred Order

How to Take a Deferred Order

Here we will go over how to take an order for a deferred time. Begin by placing an order. For this example the customer will be ordering a 14" pepperoni pizza for pickup but she doesn't want it ready until 8pm. Place the order as normal for the 14" pepperoni pizza. When you have finished the order and are ready to send the ticket though, click on the yellow "send deferred" button on the right side of the screen.

The POS will now prompt you to enter the time that the order should be ready. Enter the correct time and click "okay" at the top of the screen.

The following box will pop up verifying the deferred time. Click "yes".

You should now be at the send screen. Make sure the screen says "deferred: today at 8:00pm" at the bottom under the total. You can now send the order through as a pickup.

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