How to Setup Finger Print Readers

How to Setup Finger Print Readers

  • First you need to install the drivers for the reader.
  • Finger print readers are usb.
  • You can find the drivers on the ftp site ( Stuff/Drivers/Finger Print Scanner Drivers/Digital  Personal Fingerprint  Drivers/Arrow Version and above)
  • The installer will make you do a reboot. 
  • Once the computer boots back up, load up ArrowPos.
  • Go to Back Office with the tech login.
  • From the back office, go to Configuration > Global / Station Configuration.
  • Once in the Global / Station Configuration screen go to station configuration.

  • On the Configuration screen, select the station that the fingerprint reader is on.
  • If you are using a newer version of ArrowPos, check the box that says show tech mode.
  • If you are using an older version of ArrowPos,  hit Ctrl+T to log in to tech mode.
  • Once in tech mode, there is a setting called “would you like to enable fingerprint security for this station?” 
  • Change this setting to yes.
  • Exit and reload ArrowPos.
  • Now you need to have all of your employees add their fingerprints to their employee file.
  • To do this, Go in to the staff screen (Back Office > Configuration > Staff).
  • Click on an employee and on the top of the screen you will see an option to Register Biometrics.  Click on this
  • It will ask you for 4 readings.
  • Make sure you use the same finger on all 4 scans.
  • All done.
  • Now you can have them use a fingerprint instead of a password.
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