How to put in a ticket for a different day in SupportSuite

How to put in a ticket for a different day in SupportSuite

  • You can now put in tickets in support suite and it will show on that dash board for that day.
  • To create a ticket, click on the store that you need to put a ticket in for.
  • Once you have the location pulled up, click on Create Ticket on the left hand side.
  • This will bring up the form for you to create a ticket for that store.
  • On the ticket form you need to fill out the subject, Status, contents, Due Date and Contact name
  • The Due Date will post the ticket on the dashboard for that date.
  • If you claim a ticket that is on the dashboard for another date, you need to do that request.  This will be mostly be used for people that call in and ask that someone call them back tomorrow. 
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