How to Pull Rewards Customers from Online

How to Pull Rewards Customers from Online

  • This is used if you have customers signup online and you want to import them in to ArrowPos. This is also used if you need to download customers, if you want to link accounts to a different store and if you want to keep the same customer database as the other store.
  • From the main Screen hit the back office button

  • From the back office, hit the Configuration button.

  • From the configuration page, you will see a button named Download Arrow Rewards Customers.

  • If the button is grayed out, then you need to give access level to let them use this.
  • This can be setup in the user access level button on the configuration screen.
  • Once you click on this button, you will get a message box letting you know that this might take some time to do and you will not be able to use this station until it is done.

  • What this will do is match up your customers and the amount of points they have on the Repeat Returns server. If they already have an account in our system, it will ask you what you want to do.
  • Once you hit yes, it will ask you for a starting date to search the Repeat Returns database.
  • When you are doing this you have to watch it.  It will give you message boxes when it finds customers that match customers in your system and it will ask you what you want to do.
  • The download customers button needs to be done by the customer. It will not do it automatically due to what should happen if they have different accounts setup for the same customers.
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