Editing a Check

Editing a Check

Here we are going to learn how to edit a check. Begin with recalling the check you would like to edit. Once you have recalled your 

check, click on "edit order" at the bottom of the screen.

Doing this will open the ticket. You will be able to add or void items, update customer info or perform manager functions. For this 

example we will be adding an order of dough nuggets to the ticket. 

Go into appetizers and add the dough nuggets to the order. Then click on the "send" button on the bottom right side of the screen.

This will bring you to the send screen. In order for the edit to go through you will need to resend the ticket. Make sure that you are 

sending the order through as the correct service type. This check is a pickup so we will be resending it through as a pickup. Click 

on the red pickup button to resend the order.

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