Creating Specials in the Admin Panel

Creating Specials in the Admin Panel

Begin by clicking on "Store Specials" in the admin panel.

Click on "New" to create a new special.

The screen will now prompt you for the special's name. Enter the name of the special you are creating and click "Submit".

You are now at the special's screen. You will need to fill in the Special Description and upload a photo for the special to be displayed online. Once uploading the photo you will need to crop the image to the correct size. Then click on "Save Cropped Image".

You will now need to click on "Set Overall Discount". This will allow you to choose your discount type. You can choose from amount off, percentage off or target price. For this example, we are going to select target price because your special has a target price of $15. You will then enter the discount amount of $15.

You will now need to create the first page of your special. You will be able to enter the minimum required choices for your page and the maximum allowed choices for you page. For this example, both the minimum and maximum are 2 items. Then you need to name the page. This is what the customer will see on the page. We are naming this page "Pick Two". Then click on "Create Page".

Here is where you will be able to select the items from your menu that you would like available for this page of the special. Select "Click Here to Add Choices" to view your menu items.

For this special we are selecting all wedgies and strombolis for this page.

Once finished, you can either create a new page for the special to lead too or like in this example, finish the special. If you are ending your special make sure that the next page option lists "Finish the Wizard". Next scroll up to the top of the page and click on "Publish Special".

This will create the special in the admin panel. Note that the special will not yet be displayed online until you click on the "Hidden" button. You may toggle this back and forth from hidden to displayed.

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