Checking Out Drivers in ArrowPOS

Checking Out Drivers in ArrowPOS

    • Make sure the driver that we wish to checkout has claimed and returned from all the deliveries they’ve handled today in the Driver Dispatch Screen. Provided that’s been completed, have the driver sign out for the day from the Driver Dispatch Screen. To do this, touch the drivers name on the left column.

    • Then touch leave for day – this will remove the driver from the dispatch screen.

    • Next, we will make sure that all the drivers tips have been entered. To do this, first we go to Back Office, then hit the “Driver Summary” at top left:

    • Then select the driver we want to settle from the summary selection screen by touching anywhere in the row containing their name:

    • This will take you into the Driver Summary for your driver. From this screen, several actions are available:Bank and Drop: Use the Bank button to issue a bank for your driver to make change at the door, you’ll be prompted for the total of the bank. Use the Drop button when your drivers are carry too much cash and need to drop some off.  To verify that all of their credit tips have been entered, hit the “Payment Information” button on the right hand side. This will take us to the following screen which lists all of the payments that have been registered in the system for this driver’s deliveries. Note that if any deliveries were paid at the counter, those payments will be listed here as well:
    • We can see here that the driver only had one Credit Payment for $70.91. If I were to want to add a $5 tip to this payment, I would first select the payment from the list by touching it, then hit the “Enter Tip” button on right. Below you can see I’ve entered a new total of $75.91:

    • I then hit “OK” at the bottom of the keypad, which enters the tip into the system. Once Completed with tip adjustments, we can hit the “Exit” button at top right, which will take us back to the Driver Summary Screen, but now we’ll see our tips reflected in the tip lines underneath our orders that were paid by credit, as well as see the new total at bottom:

    • Now we can see that the driver owes the house $74.86. Were the driver to have taken all credit card payments thru the night, it’s very possible to end up in a condition where the house owes the driver money. If this is the case, the Balance Due total will have parenthesis on either side of it, like ($74.86). At this point if we’re satisfied that all deliveries and payments are correct, we can print out a quick report on the stations’ receipt printer by hitting the “Print Report” button, and if necessary, enter any claimed cash tips by hitting the “Cash Tip Entry” button. *Note that any cash tips already entered by the driver will be reflected in the $ total underneath the button name. If we’re good with all of that, we can finally hit the “Settle Driver” button to settle the driver.  After hitting the button you’ll be prompted to confirm the action, as well as remind you of the total owed.**VERY IMPORTANT: Pushing the settle driver button will finalize any tip adjustments on credit transactions for the orders that the driver handled. ANY adjustments after this point for these orders would have to be done directly with your Credit Processing company via phone support or thru your customer portal website, if available**

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