7Shifts - ArrowPOS Setup

7Shifts - ArrowPOS Setup

How to setup 7Shifts API


1. we no longer use the API
2. the "7shifts unique token" in the pos is now the company GUID generated by clicking where the above photo shows in 7shifts developer tools.
3. the location and company ID's can be found under settings > developer tools > resource IDs on 7shifts website.

First you will need to get the following info from 7shifts

- API Key

- Company ID

- Locations ID

- Unique Token

Store account setup

Store must have a 7Shifts account setup

The admin of the account must do the following

  1. https://arrowposhelp.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/44002329882
    1. Use the above document

  1. OAuth Setup (Unique Token)
    1. Go to this address and follow the below steps. https://app.7shifts.com/generate_token?client_id=0e958e2cf39a08d6aeb027b694e73d7aec41f726
    2. It should popup a box to select what account you want to give access to. 
    3. Then you will get a popup to Grant access to ArrowPOS. Select Grant access button
    4. Once you Grant access it will popup a box that says Let's wrap this up! This box will show you the Unique token that you will need to put into ArrowPOS.
  2. Company ID / Store ID
    1. To get this info the admin needs to login to the account and go to Company Settings
    2. You can get to the account settings by clicking on the 7Shifts logo in the top right.
    3. Under Company settings they will see a API tab. Go to the API tab
    4. The Company ID will be shown on the right.
    5. The Location ID will be listed under each location
  3. API Key
    1. This is found under the same section as above. 
    2. Go to Settings and API tab
    3. You will see a section on the right that says API key. 

POS Setup

  1. Login to the back office as a tech Go to Configuration > Global / Station Configuration
  2. Find the schedule section
    1. ScheduleIntegration - Change to 1
    2. Seven Shifts API Key - Add API Key from 7Shifts
    3. Seven Shifts Company ID - Add Company ID from 7Shifts
    4. Seven Shifts Location ID - Add Location ID from 7Shifts
    5. SevenShiftsUniqueToken - Add Token from 7Shifts
  3. Now you have to close ArrowPOS and reopen it so that it pulls the updated settings before you do a Sync.
  4. After the API is setup you will have to do a Sysc
    1. Go to Configuration > Misc. Settings
    2. Click on the 7Shifts tab
    3. Make sure that Use 7Shifts is on
    4. On the bottom of the screen is the sync option. 
    5. For the first time make sure you include sales data with the sync. This will take some time to upload so do it on a station that can not be used for a little bit
    6. Hit the sync button


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